Bravera Bank
You may not be able to prevent identity theft, but we can help you protect yourself and restore your identity in the instance that it does occur. Together with Kroll, Bravera Bank can help you monitor your identity and credit with ID Theft Smart services.
We offer several levels of protection:
Tier 1
Identity Theft Consultation and Restoration
We'll help you confirm and investigate fraud and assist you in restoring your identity. A personal investigator will help you:
- Investigate fraudulent activity
- Organize details of issues and explaining your rights
- Initiate credit freezes on your behalf
- Issue fraud alerts with credit bureaus, the Social Security Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the US Postal Service
- Prepare appropriate documentation
$3.95 per month
Tier 2
Single-bureau Monitoring
Includes all Tier 1 services, plus your credit and identity will be continuously monitored through Experian and idINTEGRITY. You will be notified in real-time about activity if the following is detected:
- New accounts opened
- Payment delinquencies
- Public record changes
- Change of address
- Over card limits
- Lost or stolen card reports
- Major derogatory marks
- New unconfirmed address
- Fraud or victim statements
- Instances of your personal information being bought or sold online
$7.95 per month
Tier 3
Triple-bureau Monitoring
Includes all Tier 1 services, plus your credit and identity will be continuously monitored through Experian, Equifax, Transunion and idINTEGRITY. You will be notified in real-time about activity if the following is detected:
- New accounts opened
- Payment delinquencies
- Public record changes
- Change of address
- Over card limits
- Lost or stolen card reports
- Major derogatory marks
- New unconfirmed address
- Fraud or victim statements
- Instances of your personal information being bought or sold online
$9.95 per month
Add-on Service
Minor Monitoring
Can be added to Tier 2 or Tier 3 services and monitors up to four children's social security numbers for:
- Unauthorized use of name
- Aliases
- Addresses
- Credit files
- Fraudulent credit
Additional $3.95 per month

Identity Theft Resources
The best way to prevent identity theft is to stay informed, aware, and on top of your finances. We've put together some steps you can take to help prevent identity theft.