Bravera Bank

The Current Insurance Market
The insurance industry is presently facing a notable transition, referred to as a "hard market," marked by an increase in insurance premiums and a reduction in the availability of insurance across various sectors. This industry-wide shift, as defined by the Insurance Risk Management Institute (IRMI), is characterized by rising premiums and diminishing insurance capacity to meet demand, and it is not confined to specific carriers, affecting the insurance industry as a whole.

Steps to Follow When An Accident Happens
When accidents happen, the first step is to contact your insurance advisor or start the claim process using the Bravera Insurance mobile app. The items below will outline the next steps after you’ve filed your auto claim with us.

Offer Your Employees The Best Benefits
Want to leverage employee benefits for better recruitment and retention? Double down on your employee benefits package and education with Bravera Insurance!
What Does Your Home Insurance Cover
Crop Insurance
Auto Insurance

Defend Your Home Against Ice Dams

Navigating Summer Storms
What is Farm Insurance?
Renter's Insurance Coverage for College Students